If you follow trends and new developments in the construction industry, we can come out in suret and fast, high quality and reasonable prices make the services of machine plastering. Gradjus Ltd is carrying out works in the field of machine plastering become one of the largest contractors in the area of the market it represents. Experience gained many years of work and execution of tens of thousands m2 annually ranks among the most organized Contractor mechanical plastering. The technique and equipment as well as trained and organized labor groups of workers which together operate over 10 years guarantee the best quality and the correct application of these papers. By choosing our company for plastering your building, gain the necessary confidence to continue completion of the works in the field of finishing works in construction.
Cement screed (screed) is understood to be a horizontal layer of cement mortar usually 3-5 cm thick. This layer is made on a load-bearing (mostly concrete) substrate or over a layer of an insulating material. In most cases, the cementitious coating is a substrate for the production of finishing floor coverings. Depending on the exploitation conditions, it is carried out with or without reinforcement, whereby reinforcement nets are used as reinforcement or, more recently, the so-called. microwave in the form of different fibers (steel, polypropylene, etc.).
Today, the cement screed is made in a classic way by mixing component materials on the spot or by using pre-fabricated mixtures that are used in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the manufacturer. In the classical-traditional form, cement screed is most often made in the cement ratio: sand = 1: 3, whereby the first fraction of the separated river gravel of the grain size is 0 / 4mm most commonly used as sand. The water content of such a mortar is adopted experimentally, with the amount of water to be as it is to obtain a consistency corresponding to the description “moist like earth”. This condition usually implies a water-cement factor of 0.37-0.38.